Sheepskin Rugs

Our real sheepskin rugs are also a great way to bring a touch of rustic authenticity to your home. Carefully crafted from premium quality New Zealand and Australian sheepskins, they can add texture, comfort and colour to your living room. Also take a loom at our large sheepskin rugs which have to be some of the finest quality on the market at some of the finest prices as well!

Showing 48 of 63 results

Silky Quad Sheepskin Rug Grey

Long Wool Quad Stitched Sheepskin Rug. Colour: Grey Our sheepskins are of premium quality, sustainably and ethically sourced with a super soft thick pile of…

Natural Icelandic Sheepskin with Grey Tops

Made from 100% natural sheep skin, this natural icelandic sheepskin rug instantly brings an organic element to your living space. Its textured look and feel…

Steel Icelandic Sheepskin Rug

Made from 100% natural sheep skin, this steel icelandic sheepskin rug instantly brings an organic element to your living space. Its textured look and feel…

Silky Triple Sheepskin Rug Grey

Silky Triple Sheepskin Rug Grey Our sheepskins are of premium quality, sustainably and ethically sourced with a super soft thick pile of fur. They are…

Icelandic Sheepskin Rug Natural White Dark Top

Icelandic Sheepskin Natural White Dark Top The wool is long and “shaggy” in appearance and sumptuous to the touch.Icelandic Sheepskins add a little something extra…

Vole Shearling Sheepskin Rug

We love our shearling sheepskins. They have an amazing natural sheen, that makes great contemporary rugs. Not only do they add texture, comfort and colour…

Silky Sheepskin Beige Rug Medium

Silky Sheepskin Light Beige Rug Large Our sheepskins are of premium quality, sustainably and ethically sourced with a super soft thick pile of fur. They…

Icelandic Sheepskin Petrol

Petrol Icelandic Sheepskin Dimensions:  Approx 110 cm x W60cm The wool  has been cropped to create a plush appearance that is sumptuous to the touch.…

Ivory Shearling Sheepskin Rug

We love our Tibetan sheepskins. They have an amazing natural sheen, that makes great contemporary rugs. Not only do they add texture, comfort and colour…

Tibetan Sheepskin Rug Birch

Super soft with a natural corkscrew curl, simply gorgeous Birch Tibetan sheepskin rug We love our Tibetan sheepskins. They have an amazing natural sheen, that…

Silky Triple Sheepskin Rug Ivory

Silky Triple Sheepskin Rug Ivory Our sheepskins are of premium quality, sustainably and ethically sourced with a super soft thick pile of fur. They are very…

Silky Sheepskin Rug Vole Medium

Silky Sheepskin Rug Vole Medium Our sheepskins are of premium quality, sustainably and ethically sourced with a super soft thick pile of fur perfect for…


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